Holiday Giving Tree
How you can help
Stop on by:
Choose an Item from our wish list below or stop on out to Cedar Valley Humane Society or giving tree locations to pick an ornament off the tree with a pets wish list. Return with the wish list items and place them under the tree for the shelter pets to open this holiday season.
Send it our way: Don’t have the time to run around town with the hustle and bustle of the holiday? We completely understand! Donate items quickly and conveniently through our online Amazon wish list or Chewy wish list - we can place them under the tree for you.
All Items can be delivered to:
Cedar Valley Humane Society
7411 Mt Vernon Rd SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
'Tis the season of giving! Our giving tree will be on display for the entire month of December to collect donations for animals this holiday season and all the animals in our care made Santa’s nice list.
Can't make it out to the Cedar Valley Humane Society? Visit on of the CVHS Giving Tree partner locations
Thank you to our Giving Tree Partners!
417 1st Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Interested in having your business host a Giving Tree this year? Contact